Tuesday and Wednesday had two tests respectively,
Thursday had talk show presentation..
Dam an exhausted week..
Wednesday morning, I heard from my mum that my dad met with an accident,
it straight make me a wake.
Huh, fortunately, he was now safe and sound. No injuries.. God bless him..
From my dad, i knew that when my dad was driving in the middle of the road to Penang,
suddenly a iron piece hit the front window screen and it eventually scattered by then.
Really scary. If that iron piece large enough and travelled with higher momentum,
I sure wont be here writing the blog..
I dare not imagine if something happen to him...
This afternoon talks show..
Thank to those who helped us in the process.
I also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all of my friends,
in which I had said something wrong or make u all unsatisfied..
Thank to my group members, U all did a great job..
Blue Shirt 姐姐: thank for fetching me to school by the car and with all the things.
hoay yan,red hair: thank for helping in process of preparation of talks show..
Beh: thank for ur make up things, shirts, shoes, and sacrifices ur class to help us.
xinli, gigi, li ting: thank for helping me make up.
Special to li ting: hmm. what u had done? haha..
Just now go to eat steamboat at kampar hotel, not bad..
later go to westlake and celebrate new year, welcoming the year 2010..
later go to mamak stall with all my TD friends..
Happy New Year.