This Two weeks, dam it..
I was using all this two weeks time just to study and do past year.. Almost X sets..
And still spent one hour face to face to that LEECH.How funny was it..
Mr Lim office was too crowded..
Spent whole day just want to understand that looping..
wasting my memory to memorize all the mechanisms, chemical reactions for chemistry and theory for public speaking.
I even wrote essay for Ah Ping to mark.......
Go to ask the lecturer I don like about some of the math past year questions.
Somehow or rather, CHEW is very good in interpersonal communication, but not in public communication.. The second time I understood what he said.. ^^
Luckily that Kang gave me the answer for 09 past year, make the things easier... haha
Hopefully all these are worth to be done.....God bless.
Wish you all all the best and good luck for final exam.....
Lost Stars
5 years ago
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